If your teeth are starting to develop an unwanted yellow tint, then you might be wondering what is causing the discoloration – and what you can do to restore the whiteness you once enjoyed. Let’s take a look at three common causes of yellow teeth, then discuss how you can overcome them.
Stains From Smoking
Smokers characteristically have teeth that are noticeably yellow. The chemicals in cigarette smoke stain teeth, gradually changing their color and dulling down the smoker’s smile.
The good news is that once you stop smoking, your teeth should slowly start to regain their natural color if you stick to a good oral hygiene routine of daily brushing and flossing. You can also get a whitening treatment carried out by your dentist to shift the most stubborn stains.
Dietary Tooth Staining
The biggest dietary culprits responsible for discolored teeth are tannin-rich drinks such as black tea and red wine. Switching to white wine will lower the likelihood of staining compared to red wine, while adding milk to your tea can reduce the impact that it has on the color of your teeth.
Damaged Enamel
The inner part of a tooth – known as the dentin – is naturally yellow. Once the enamel that covers and protects the dentin starts to wear thin, the underlying yellow tint begins to show through, causing your teeth to appear discolored even though they are not stained.
Enamel often becomes weaker and thinner with age, and certain foods and drinks can speed up the process. The worst offenders are beverages that contain corrosive acids, such as diet or regular cola. Cutting down on these drinks can help to protect your enamel.
Your dentist may be able to suggest ways to restore your enamel, such as using an special enamel-strengthening toothpaste. If you feel that your yellow teeth are spoiling your smile, book an appointment with a dentist today to discuss your options for restoring whiteness so that you can smile again with confidence.