Yellow teeth can be caused by staining by nicotine or certain tannin-rich drinks. However, teeth can also appear yellow due to enamel damage.
Oral Hygiene
Dry mouth, also known as xerostomia, is a relatively common condition affecting 20-25% of the adult population. Learn more about symptoms and treatment.
October is National Dental Hygiene Month. Each year we hope to continue to increase the public’s awareness of maintaining overall good oral health.
Click to read about our favorite floss, mouthwash, denture material and teeth whitening products.
Shopping for dental products can be confusing. Click to read about our top toothbrush and toothpaste recommendations.
Learn about the main causes of cavities in children and the steps you can take to prevent them.
We’ve compiled the most common questions we are asked about teeth whitening and have answered them for you.
Can you really tell the difference between tooth whitening using over the counter products versus having them whitened by a dentist?
Our lifestyle choices, including soda or morning coffee, can impact the gradual discoloring of your teeth. Tooth whitening can help restore their color.
Infant oral health is very crucial and it is important to have good cleaning habits early. From pacifiers to 12 months – we’re here to help with a few tips and pointers for you and your wee little one.